

Biovac VIR 121 Vaccine

UGS : 10. Catégories : , , .

Inactivated vaccine, VH strain, against Newcastle  Disease in oil emulsion

Indications :The vaccine is recommended for vaccination of chickens and turkeysagainst Newcastle disease.

Newcastle disease(ND) is an acute viral disease of domestic poultry andmanyother bird species. Newcastle disease is caused by viruses in theserotype avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1). It is a worldwideproblem that ranges clinically from inapparent to a rapidly fatalcondition characterized by gastrointestinal, respiratory and/ornervous signs. The many ND virus strains vary widely in virulence andtissue tropisms. The presence of virulent strains in poultry requiresmonitoring and control measures because the existence of the virusseverely impacts commercial productivity and the international tradein poultry and poultry products. Both attenuated live and inactivatedvaccines are used to control the disease.

500 ml bottle containing 1,000 doses
250 ml bottle containing500 doses.


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Biovac VIR 121 Vaccine

UGS : 10. Catégories : , , .

 Inactivated vaccine, VH strain, against Newcastle  Disease in oil emulsion

Indications :The vaccine is recommended for vaccination of chickens and turkeysagainst Newcastle disease.

Newcastle disease(ND) is an acute viral disease of domestic poultry andmanyother bird species. Newcastle disease is caused by viruses in theserotype avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1). It is a worldwideproblem that ranges clinically from inapparent to a rapidly fatalcondition characterized by gastrointestinal, respiratory and/ornervous signs. The many ND virus strains vary widely in virulence andtissue tropisms. The presence of virulent strains in poultry requiresmonitoring and control measures because the existence of the virusseverely impacts commercial productivity and the international tradein poultry and poultry products. Both attenuated live and inactivatedvaccines are used to control the disease.

500 ml bottle containing 1,000 doses
250 ml bottle containing500 doses.


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